The Bearded Vegans finds hosts Paul and Andy in a discussion dissecting all things vegan. News, reviews, interviews and in depth discussion of issues within the vegan community are regular features of the show.

Episode Description

In this episode The Bearded Vegans discuss the announcement that Sea World will be phasing out it’s orca show at the San Diego location, move on into a discussion of effective language for animal advocates and conclude with an in depth interview with Christopher-Sebastian McJetters, vegan and social justice activist and author of “The Language Of Justice: 10 Words To Use In Vegan Advocacy (and a Few To Avoid)”.

Show Notes:

Sea World Draws Curtain On Killer Whale Show in San Diego

Bad News Animal Lovers, Sea World Isn’t Really Ending It’s Killer Whale show

Proposed Law Would End Killer Whale Captivity

The D Word

Stop (Saying) Factory Farms

The Hidden Cost Of Patriarchy

The Language Of Justice: 10 Words To Use In Vegan Advocacy (And A Few To Avoid)

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