It seems like every year we are reporting on yet another Big Ag bailout, another milk glut, and another warehouse containing millions of pounds of animal flesh and secretions, unsold. While it would appear the vegan population continues to grow, the number of animals slaughtered for food generally remains steady. This flies in the face the supply and demand principals that so many vegans believe will liberate animals. So what the hell is actually going on here?

To get the bottom of things, we bring you an interview with Connie Spence and Laura Montonye Reese the co-founders of Vegan Justice League and Agriculture Fairness Alliance. Through VJL, Laura and Connie are working to educate vegans about why our tax dollars tend to counteract any potential good our consumer habits might be doing, and most importantly what we can actually do about that. Through AFA, they are creating lobbyists that work on behalf of the best interests of the animals and provide a counter to the hundreds of well funded Big Ag lobbyists. If the murky world of lobbying, subsidies, and bailouts is confusing to you as it was to us, we hope this interview is illuminating, informative, and most importantly, inspirational. 

A full transcript of the episode is available here.

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