This week the bearded duo bring you a discussion regarding something that has been on their minds for quite a while. Should vegan activists get paid? They aren’t talking about people working for non-profits, but more specifically activists who start Patreons to fund their activism with no specific tangible goals other than “I will do more activism”. Do we need activists dedicated 24/7? It is classist to demand activists work for free? Does crowd-funded activism run the risk of only rewarding certain types of activism at the detriment to others? They roll up our sleeves and dive deep into this one!

Plus they go over the news, including the Impossible Burger rolling out to White Castle and the latest in the By Chloe legal proceedings. Additionally, they follow up on last week’s discussion about veganizing prison farms.

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The Food:

Plant (Asheville, NC)

Tomato Head (Knoxville, TN)

The Links:

Dominion film

Get Ready for ‘Bleeding’ Veggie Sliders at White Castle (Grub Street)

Chloe Coscarelli Files Lawsuit to Reclaim by CHLOE Name (VegNews)

Kingston prison farms returning with new federal funding (CBC)

Prisoners making $1.95 a day want a raise. Taxpayers want a break. (Business)
