Episode 81: News Roundup

This week Paul and Andy conduct a follow up discussion from episode 79 about an action turned violent. Then the duo breaks from format a bit to discuss a series of extended news segments including the implications of China opening up trade to import US beef, a recent study saying cheese is healthy again, Dominos Pizza rejecting vegan toppings and whether or not purchasing shares in a company is a good way to influence them. conduct a follow up discussion from episode 79 about an action turned violent. Top it all off with food adventures in Fargo and Delaware as well as Paul recounting his time speaking at the Delaware Action For Animals Vegfest.

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Restaurants visited:

Green House Cafe (Fargo, ND)
Drop Squad Kitchen (Wilmington, DE)
V Street (Philadelphia, PA)
Kawaii Kitty Cafe (Philadelphia, PA)

Articles discussed:

Richard Dawkins: ‘When I see cattle lorries, I think of the railway wagons to Auschwitz’

Eating cheese does not raise risk of heart attack or stroke, study finds

Chinese Chicken Is Headed To America, But It’s Really All About The Beef

No End In Sight For China Cattle Shortage

Domino’s Pizza Doesn’t Care About Feeding Vegans

